Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Metabolites and for the elimination of bacterial ...

What Staphylococcus aureus News: Add sugar to certain antibiotics may increase their ability to fight bacteria, according to >> << published today in Nature. In particular, the sugar helps to destroy drugs outb persisters,

actually goes dormant only to flare up again once the danger has passed. This techniqueb can lead to the development of low-cost, more effective treatments for bacterial infections. How the hell: The study of two common bacteria: which can lead to urinary tract and gastrointestinal infections, and

Staphylococcus aureus, bugs that strattera dosing cause staphylococcal infections. As can be treated with gentamicin, with a large group calledb antibiotics. Researchers in combination with gentamicin various sugars, including mannitol, fructose and glucose. (Sucrose, what you put in coffee, is just one of many types of sugars as biochemistrys concerned. When scientists added these sweet antibiotics bacteria grown in a petri dish, he killed more than 99% of bacterial persisters. Type of sugar seemed something change as well, only fructose helps the drug kills

Staphylococcus aureus, for example, purpose, would, in fact, to get them off the ground so we can hit them and knock. them, and it seems to work. would sugar was bacterial persisters wake up from its resting enough that they have antibiotics that killed them. Researchers also used the sugar-gentamicin combination to kill bacteria in a little closer to the clinic. in layers of bacterial slime that often form on medical devices and in particular difficult to destroy, and in mice with urinary tract infections What Context: Bacterial persisters are often responsible for recurrent bouts of illness such as strep throat, staphylococcus, and urinary tract infection, but modern methods of treatment aimed directly at them. Treatment of resistant infections with existing antibiotics and sugar will allow doctors, rather than waiting for the new to come. By making existing therapies more effective, this method can also save patients the cost and trouble of multiple courses of antibiotics are not so fast. Like any treatment, only one was tested in cells and mice are wrinkles to be removed before the drug is used in one of those people. worry that human patients

before it gets where bacteria arethough mannitol, a sugar used is not absorbed by humans. Sugar seems to give the bacteria that kill only increase aminoglycines, not all antibiotics. future decreed: Now, researchers investigate whether the same technique will strengthen antibiotics Tuberculosis Reference: ... Kyle R. Allison, Mark P. would Brynildsen, to James J. Collins metabolites and for the elimination of bacterial persisters by aminoglycosides Nature, May 12, 2011 DOI:

Pictures: May 12, 2011 4:54 PM Tags:,,,,,

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